1. You Can Be An Explorer in Kiev
In Kyiv, you can rarely see tourists outside the city center. To be honest, even in the center, you can meet them very rarely. It is not a city where you can be afraid that other tourist can stab you with a selfy-stick in the crowd. That can make you feel like a discoverer of the new place where almost no one whom you know hasn’t seen before. It can be a wonderful feeling for those people who already tired from the super famous touristic city, where you can not see local life at all. Kyiv is still not very touristic and multinational city so even other skin color than white looks odd to see there.
2. Prices
It is the first reason that comes to my mind because comparing to any other European city they are very low. For that you can say thank to an exchange rate that has grown three times during last three years. That works for anything—apartment rent, restaurants, products in the supermarket, entertainment, transport. Is it possible somewhere in Western Europe to have a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant for less then $10? I don’t think so but in Kiev that is usual thing. And I’m not talking about some places for low budget tourist which serves Ukrainian dishes where you won’t be able to breathe paying only $4-5 for your meal. Nevertheless, it is not a situation when the low prices mean the bad quality of what you are going to get. However, you for sure do not want to buy any imported drinks or food, prices for them can be very surprising.
3. People
Eastern European people still have values that are no longer so important for western countries. They are in most cases sincere and kind. People in Kiev are not superficial and do not hurry up to become closer with others before they will know something about them. It takes time to melt the ice and then you could find a good friend here with whom you can always have a nice and deep conversation.
4. Girls
Personally, I don’t like to admit that but it is a number one reason for guys to come here. If you are from any western country, you are going to be surprised by an amount of ukrainian women in high heels or those who looks like they can be a Victoria Secret model everywhere. Seriously everywhere! Even in the metro where people are in a hurry will be a lot of girls that looks like they are going to have a photoshoot.
5. Diversity of Kyiv Architecture
If you like architecture, you are going to be very surprised. Kyiv doesn’t look like any other European city! You can see a gorgeous building from the previous centuries that can be right next to the old and ugly Soviet building which looks like it is going to fall apart and a brand new office building made from glass somewhere behind. However, I think that is charming in some way and can help you to understand this place better. Another exciting thing is a huge amount of modern art object and murals that you can find everywhere.
6. Tasty Food
That is a part that is going to surprise you. Even though Ukrainian food doesn’t have a variety of spices in it is delicious because you can feel a real taste of products but not of chemicals. Ukrainian dishes are mostly very healthy, and fresh products taste better than in western countries. It is very easy to find a good place to eat, and a lot of them will offer you local food that can make you feel like a guest at Ukrainian family. You can be surprised how many ways to prepare potatoes are here and what is possible to put in the dumplings to make them tasty.
7. Growing Businesses
Kyiv is a place where new ideas grow like mushrooms. I have seen that a lot of times with coffee machines on the streets, anti-cafes where you pay for the time you spend there, and quest rooms. Due to this fact, they all are trying to do their best because they know that the new place with the same idea can be opened on the next street and they need to have something better than others.
8. Is It Safe to Travel to Kiev?
You could heard a lot of thing about Ukraine in last 3-4 years, but it is a place where you can surely feel secure. All the places which can be considered not very safe are hundreds of kilometers from the capital. Cities in US and Western Europe fells much more uncomfortable especially when you are walking somewhere at night. The crime rate is not very high here, and some felonies happen here rather rare. Just be always attentive at bars and ask in advance how much the cab is going to cost. The other big problem in Ukraine is bribes but last few years the situation with it became much better.
9. Visa Free
The nice bonus to compare with other countries in the Eastern Europe such as Belarus or Russia, that you don’t need a visa to travel to Kiev and Ukraine. No waiting for a few weeks before you can be sure that you are definitely going. You can buy a ticket and come anytime—Ukraine is waiting for your visit 
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