9 good reasons to visit the excursion in Chernobyl

Why go to the Exclusion Zone? The author, after visiting Chernobyl, found nine reasons. On an excursion to the Zone it is worth to go to:

  1. To Translate the common story  as a personal 
The catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is the largest in the history of nuclear power. Due to the accident of the fourth reactor, more than two hundred thousand people were forced to leave their homes without hope of ever returning. Three decades have passed since the tragedy. The children who were taken out of the zone grew up. Children born after the disaster grew up. And although we annually celebrate the day of Chernobyl's memory, "move" to the stands of museums, to pages of textbooks and newspapers. It is now general, it means a draw. The only way to translate a common history into a personal category is to see it.

2. To Know this part of the history 
For the last year Chernobyl and Pripyat visited about fifty thousand people, most of them guests of the country. It is Chernobyl that proves to be the brightest of the associations that arise in foreigners at the word Ukraine. The goals and desires of foreign tourists are different: from seeing Pripyat - the city-reserve of socialism, before visiting the locations of the popular computer game Stalker. Since 2007, the game has gained wide popularity among gamers in Europe, Canada, the United States. A lot of guests come with a view to taking photos. It is curious that 15% of foreigners decide to visit the exclusion zone again - for two, three, and even five days. According to the most conservative estimates - five thousand repeated visits. Impressive!

3. To Get Rid of Fear
Uncertainty and uncertainty gave rise to many apocalyptic myths. The most popular question to the person who visited Pripyat - "Is not it scary"? Of course, it's scary, but the trip to Chernobyl is an opportunity to finally look into your eyes with an old fear. The radiation dose received during the day of the excursion is equal to the one you receive during the flight hour on the plane.
And yes, those who are waiting for the meeting with the mutant monsters, I will disappoint. Monsters will not be.

4. To Make a visit to the past 

Pripyat was a kind of "showcase" of socialism. And here they are: rows of concrete boxes ready to crumble in three decades after construction. Here they are - standard projects, a standard set of entertainment, "beauty" of the Soviet palaces of culture, the "cosiness" of hotels, the "luxury" of Soviet restaurants and the intensity of ideological processing that we were subjected from kindergarten to old age. Pripyat literally "overturns" the past.

5. To See people in love with the Zone

I'm not kidding. There are many such. It's not only the elderly "self-travelers" who do not think life in any other place, not only young "crazy" stalkers, who are ready to dash the river in October. These are adults, often former or current liquidators. They found true freedom in the exclusion zone. To be convinced of the sincerity of their feelings, it is enough to listen to how they talk about the zone and see the characteristic "crazy" in the eyes. A good company, passionate about its business, is happy in its own way. You want to communicate with such people.

6. To Attend to the movies

Much more emotionally perceived Chernobyl viewers feature films, which from 1990 to 2016 came sixteen. They are all of different quality and different levels of reliability. Who among us escaped the temptation to look at at least one? A separate category of visitors to Pripyat are gamers of different ages. Fans of the "Stalker" are recognizable in any group, run around the Ferris wheel and are happy as children.

7. To Dispel the illusion of dominion over nature

People are trying to "manage" forces whose power does not lend themselves to awareness. But it is impossible to rule over those who are stronger and wiser. Only thirty years have passed, and the stadium of the city of Pripyat has turned into a forest. Concrete is quietly hidden under moss and grasses. Wise nature heals the wounds inflicted on her by unreasonable children.

8. To visit the most uninhabited forest in Europe

To date, the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, which covers an area of ​​2,600 square kilometers, is the largest and most deserted forest in Europe. It is worth to come here at least to feel what is really clean air. In addition, wild animals recovered from the anthropogenic pressure of space, which now number about four hundred species, return. And every month all new ones are fixed. The nature of the Chernobyl region quickly returns to the state in which it was in the 17th century! There is a project to create in the transfer zone of alienation in the protected, and even its inclusion in the UNESCO lists. In our opinion - an excellent project!

9. To Look at yourself from the side

Let's be terse: the zone of alienation is a kind of "giant mirror", what you bring with you, so see. This is such an unexpected magic.

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